Conference papers
Entry Year2008
Paper typeConference papers
Paper levelOther
Paper title (chapter)Optimal Power /Emission Scheduling in Hydrothermal Coordination
Conference starting time2008-11-22
Conference closing time2008-11-23
Year of publication2008
Name of author (Chinese)Chao-Lung Chiang
Name of author (English)Chao-Lung Chiang
AuthorsChao-Lung Chiang* and Li-Ming Chen
Number of authors2
Author's typeOther
Language usedEnglish
Associated project name96M0006-1
NoteProceedings of the 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, TAAI 2008, RC3-3: Applications in Electrical Systems, Tamkang University, I-Lan, Taiwan, pp. 1-7.
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