Conference papers
Entry Year2019
Paper typeOral papers
Paper levelOther
Conference starting time2019-09-05
Conference closing time2019-09-06
Year of publication2019
Name of author (Chinese)Chao-Lung Chiang
Name of author (English)Chao-Lung Chiang
Number of authors1
Author's typeFirst Author / Corresponding Author
Attached File File download Adobe PDF
Language usedChinese
Note江昭龍, “混合差分進化於考慮傳輸損失之最佳電力經濟調度研究,”第40屆電力工程研討會 (2019 the 40th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering), 國立中山大學, Sep. 5-6, 2019, pp. 1-6. (107C025)
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