Conference papers
Entry Year2019
Paper typeOral papers
Paper levelOther
Conference starting time2019-11-21
Conference closing time2019-11-23
Year of publication2019
Name of author (Chinese)Chao-Lung Chiang
Name of author (English)Chao-Lung Chiang
Number of authors1
Author's typeFirst Author / Corresponding Author
Attached File File download Adobe PDF
Language usedChinese
Note江昭龍, “考慮成本與污染之雙目標電力經濟調度研究,”2019年第24屆中華民國人工智慧研討會 the 2019, 24th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, TAAI 2019, National University of Kaohsiung, Nov. 21- 23, 2019, pp. 1-4. (MOST 108-2637-E-252-005)
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